Jen Meagher


Product Manager

Delivering human-centered web and mobile products



Specialty in data visualization and data analysis

Data Storytelling: Using interactive data visualizations, maps, and narrative video to tell a story, expose a problem, and educate

Data Analysis Tools: Building systems for data collection, storage, security, sharing (APIs), and visualization



User-Centered Approach

UX Expertise: laser focus on user needs, conduct interviews, usability tests, surveys, emphasis on prototyping, testing, and learning, going into schools or onsite to observe, gather feedback, and test assumptions in-person

Accessibility Compliance: experience ensuring WCAG compliant products for teachers and students

Product Strategy & Roadmapping: design sprint facilitation, MVP definition, and roadmap prioritization

Technology Research: build vs buy scenarios, licensing, privacy, and security policies, emerging technologies, installation hardware, and open source



Product Delivery & Execution

Trained in Agile process methodologies: empowered teams, lean, experiment-driven development

Collaborate with stakeholders: gather requirements, define core objectives, evaluate key results, and set strategy for 1-, 2-, and 5-year plans

Process Management: lead scrums, sprint planning, and retrospectives, write user stories, groom and prioritize the backlog

Roadmap Creation and Management: set the pace to ensure on-deadline, on-budget delivery