I oversaw the production, design, and copy writing for all EVC marketing materials, including the catalog above. I managed the mailing of 20,000 of these catalogs to K-12 schools and universities twice annually.

I managed the design of print mailers (left), and I redesigned and coded EVC's website catalog (right).

I oversaw the design and production of EVC's DVD titles. For the 2 films above, I formed partnerships with grassroots organizations to organize collaborative screenings and take action campaigns.
In the case of All That I Can Be, our partners included The War Resisters League, American Friends Service Committee, Iraq Veterans Against the War, and award-winning filmmakers. With their help, EVC students traveled to Philadelphia, Vermont, and Western Massachusetts to screen their work and participate in discussions about alternatives to the military.

I worked with students to edit shorter, classroom-friendly versions of their videos. I also created study guides in collaboration with EVC education staff.